Results for 'J. Vande Wiele'

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  1. The time of the change: Menopause’s medicalization and the gender politics of aging.Lucy van de Wiel - 2014 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7 (1):74-98.
    This article discusses the moment in which normative ideas about aging and reproductive embodiment became conceptually linked in the mid-nineteenthcentury medicalization of menopause. The reading centers on the first English book-length publication on menopause, written by E. J. Tilt in 1857, and Foucault’s concept of the medical gaze. I analyze mechanisms of observing, conceptualizing, and treating the body in relation to time and discuss their function in affirming and reworking social norms of age and gender. In doing so, I highlight (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.R. Vande Walle, L. Bakker, J.-M. Tison, P. Fransen, J. De Fraine, A. Poncelet, J. Vanneste, A. Deblaere, F. Bossuyt, P. Grootens, P. Van Doornik, S. Trooster, J. Kerkhofs, W. Boelens, J. Vercruysse, H. Robbers, H. Geurtsen, N. Sprokel, J. Nota, C. Verhaak, M. De Tollenaere, H. Somers, F. Verhaar, A. Cauwelier, Cl Beukers & R. De Haes - 1964 - Bijdragen 25 (2-3):308-344.
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  3. De metafysica en het godsprobleem.J. van de Wiele - 1994 - In M. Moors, Jan van der Veken & Jozef van de Wiele (eds.), Naar Leeuweriken grijpen: Leuvense opstellen over metafysica. Leuven: Universitaire Pers.
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    Porphyry - Heinrich Dörrie, J. H. Waszink, Willy Theiler, Pierre Hadot, Angelo Raffaele Sodano, Jean Pépin, Richard Walzer: Porphyre. (Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique, xii.) Pp. 319. Vandœuvres, Geneva: Fondation Hardt (Cambridge: Heffer), 1966. Cloth, £2. 16 s[REVIEW]A. C. Lloyd - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (03):297-299.
  5. Van de Wiele, J. en De Bleeckere S., Friedrich Nietzsche. De lof van het leven en de waan van de waarheid. [REVIEW]P. van Tongeren - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45:320.
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    The Totalizing Act. [REVIEW]J. Philip Miller - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (3):627-628.
    The scope of this study is the early phase of Husserl's philosophy, from On the Concept of Number and Philosophy of Arithmetic through the Logical Investigations. Like others who have studied this period, Cooper-Wiele wants to trace the development of themes understood to play a central role in Husserl's mature, phenomenological philosophy. Of central concern to him is the emergence of Husserl's transcendental point of view, which Cooper-Wiele characterizes as "a conquest of spatio-temporal phenomena," "the dissolution of the (...)
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    Szerokie gościńce i zapomniane szlaki historii filozofii w badaniach filozoficznych Andrzeja J. Norasa.Iwona Alechnowicz-Skrzypek - 2023 - Folia Philosophica 47:1-10.
    W artykule podjęta została próba przyjrzenia się sposobowi, w jaki Andrzej J. Noras odnosił się do historii filozofii jako dyscypliny metafilozoficznej. W swoich pracach wielokrotnie podejmował problem znaczenia i wartości badań historyczno-filozoficznych. U podstaw stosunku Andrzeja J. Norasa do dyscypliny, w obrębie której się poruszał była postawa krytyczna, oznaczająca, by niczego nie pomijać, by badany przedmiot oświetlić z różnych perspektyw. W swoich badaniach podążał szlakami, które są rzadko uczęszczane przez historyków filozofii Dzięki temu udało mu się dokonać wielu interesujących ustaleń (...)
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    V. Černik, J. Vicenik, E. Višnowský. Historické typy racionality.Wojciech Słomski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1):300-302.
    Książek poświęconych refleksji nad pojęciem racjonalności ukazuje się obecnie wiele, zaś większość z nich przyjmuje bardziej lub mniej jasno wyrażony przesłankę, iż pojęcie to przeżywa obecnie głęboki kryzys. Samo pojęcie kryzysu jest przy tym na ogol stosowane w sposób, który należałoby nazwać intelektualną nonszalancją, gdyby tylko ów niefrasobliwy, niekiedy wręcz metaforyczny użytek, jaki się z niego czyni, był wynikiem świadomego zamiaru. Tak jednak zwykle się nie dzieje, a prace poświęcone trudnościom z prawidłowym zdefiniowaniem pojecia racjonalności i określeniem jego funkcji (...)
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  9. Kulʹturnai︠a︡ antropologii︠a︡ i dukhovnai︠a︡ priroda russkoĭ Oĭkumeny.L. Ė Vand - 2010 - Moskva: LENAND. Edited by A. S. Muratova.
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    Ekosocjalizm: między ruchem społecznym a teorią marksowską.Katarzyna Bielińska - 2023 - Civitas 30:33-68.
    Celem tego artykułu jest analiza znaczeń pojęcia ekosocjalizmu we współczesnym dyskursie filozoficznym i politycznym. W pierwszym kroku przeprowadzam rozróżnienie pomiędzy ekosocjalizmem jako ruchem a ekosocjalizmem jako teorią. Globalny ruch ekosocjalistyczny jednoczą postulaty polityczne. W jego skład wchodzą jednak nurty o różnorodnych założeniach teoretycznych. Skupiam się na opozycji pomiędzy nurtami nawiązującymi do tradycji marksistowskiej a nurtami, które w ślad za Joanem Martinezem-Alierem można nazwać „neonarodnictwem ekologicznym”, czyli odwołującymi się do tradycyjnych etyk i wartości istniejących społeczności, tak jak w przypadku licznych ruchów (...)
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    Real Deletion, Time, and Possibility.Randall Auxier - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 62:5-41.
    Czy coś naprawdę „odchodzi” całkowicie? Niniejszy artykuł jest poszukiwaniem „rzeczywistego usunięcia” i metafizyki, która musi temu towarzyszyć. Dlaczego to jest ważne? W badaniach nad sztuczną inteligencją naukowcy zaproponowali ruchomy punkt docelowy do momentu osiągnięcia sztucznej inteligencji. Zaczęło się od testu Turinga i ewoluowało przez dużą ilość argumentacji (np. Dreyfussa, dotyczącą tego, czego nie potrafią komputery, przez „osobliwość” Kurzweila oraz wiele innych kryteriów i tysiące dyskusji na temat tego, czym jest inteligencja i co oznaczałoby ją symulować lub, jak wolę, naśladować). (...)
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    Logika i język pół wieku później.Tadeusz Szubka - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne 33 (2):157-165.
    Obszerna antologia Logika i język z analitycznej filozofii języka, do której J. Pelc wybrał i przełożył teksty, była przez wiele lat wykorzystywana w nauczaniu i badaniach w Polsce. W udany sposób przedstawia niektóre dyskusje toczone w ramach filozofii analitycznej. Jednakże obok tekstów kluczowych, które weszły do kanonu tej tradycji, zawiera także prace marginalne i mało znaczące. Zaskakujące jest pominięcie przez Pelca kilku bardzo ważnych filozofów i ich dorobku, a podane we wstępie do antologii uzasadnienie tych braków jest niekompletne i (...)
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    Division 36: Psychologists Interested in Religious Issues.Hendrika Vande Kemp - 1989 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 9 (2):52-54.
    As is true for most small divisions, membership in PIRI overlaps with membership in all other APA divisions. Thus, our members include hardcore experimentalists teaching in Christian colleges, social psychologists focusing on research in the psychology of religion, pastoral counselors, transpersonal psychologists, religiously-committed psychologists attempting to integrate psychology and theology, and numerous others. Our roots lie in the American Catholic Psychological Association; our branches point to religion in all its forms. Our common commitment is to the assertion that religion is (...)
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  14.  22
    Mathematical Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Complex Biological Systems.Alain Vande Wouwer, Philippe Bogaerts, Jan Van Impe & Alejandro Vargas - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-2.
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    Overcoming contradiction in the four-dimensional dialectic of action.Hendrika Vande Kemp - 2009 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 29 (2):85-90.
    Author argues that the implicit bias against theism is part of a larger pattern of ignoring the realm of illusion and related products of culture. In response, each psychologist must develop an integrated theory that incorporates four dimensions of human experience: intrapersonal, interpersonal, impersonal, and transpersonal. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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    Genealogii︠a︡ kulʹtury i very: zrimoe i taĭnoe.L. Ė Vand - 2000 - Moskva: Rudomino. Edited by A. S. Muratova.
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    Silence! The Background of Attention as a Battleground.Anette Vandsø - 2023 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 32 (65).
    The commodification of silence responding to a disturbing environment is integrated in the growing attention economy. This paper suggests that the idea of silence embedded in these products preclude fruitful understandings of—and interventions in—theproblematics they address, and it proposes Cage’s silence as a more efficacious model for understanding our problems with a disturbing environment, and a better practice for intervening in it. Informed by Yves Citton’s ecology of attention the paper argues that Cage’s silence centers the interplay of attention, subjectivity (...)
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    Sacrificial “As-If” and Avuncular Hilarity.Wiel Eggen - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):69-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacrificial "As-If" and Avuncular HilarityLiving by MéconnaissanceWiel Eggen (bio)INTRODUCTION: THE CURIOUS QUESTIONAt my departure for anthropological fieldwork in the Central African Republic (RCA), just after Girard's seminal work La Violence et le sacré had come to upset my structuralist tutors in Paris, I was given a list of penetrating questions to probe in the field, since my research was to be conducted in an area known for its a-cephalous (...)
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    People Made of Glass: The Collapsing Temporalities of Chronic Conditions.Ida Vandsøe Madsen - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (1):7-32.
    An increasing number of people worldwide are living with chronic conditions that have an aspect of bodily fragility as part of the condition or as an effect of treatment. In this article, I explore the temporal experience of bodily fragility and the particularities of consciousness states among people with the chronic condition osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) in Denmark. My aim is threefold. First, my goal is to give an insight into life with OI, a rare and rarely studied condition. Second, I (...)
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  20.  8
    Usage du monde et liberté à l'âge classique.Véronique Wiel - 2017 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    L'on ne saurait trop souligner combien l'âge "classique" est un âge critique. Moment de crise aiguë, totale, puisque c'est la destitution du monde ancien qui s'amorce et une situation inédite qui se dessine : l'homme se découvrant comme jamais instance de liberté face à un monde dont il est désormais séparé, ce qui devient pensable, c'est la réformation générale du monde et de soi. La question est de savoir comment réinventer la liberté dans les conditions de la modernité. Cette entreprise (...)
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  21. Using machine learning to predict decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.Masha Medvedeva, Michel Vols & Martijn Wieling - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (2):237-266.
    When courts started publishing judgements, big data analysis within the legal domain became possible. By taking data from the European Court of Human Rights as an example, we investigate how natural language processing tools can be used to analyse texts of the court proceedings in order to automatically predict judicial decisions. With an average accuracy of 75% in predicting the violation of 9 articles of the European Convention on Human Rights our approach highlights the potential of machine learning approaches in (...)
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  22.  13
    A Monadic Prelate without Divine Rival: On Girard's Bifurcated Focus.Wiel Eggen - 2020 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 27 (1):41-58.
    Girard counts as a Durkheimian for viewing religion as the social force that underpins society's cultural institutions. A basic difference, though, should be heeded. No doubt, he argues that the bloody solution of the originary mimetic crisis initiated traditions of sacrificial rituals with mythical justifications that crystallized in society's legal codes, ethical rules, and cultural habits, on which daily events of scapegoating rely. However, if this suggests that religion's basic aim is to be a buttress of the cultural order, it (...)
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  23. An interpretable approach to detect case law on housing and eviction issues within the HUDOC database.Mohammad Mohammadi, Martijn Wieling & Michel Vols - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-22.
    Case law plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of human rights, including the right to adequate housing. However, analyzing large legal databases like HUDOC, which contains over 40,000 cases, is a challenging task that requires automated solutions. This study focuses on detecting cases related to housing—a topic encompassing issues such as eviction, access to adequate housing and etc.—from the HUDOC database. For this, we developed classifiers to identify cases related to both housing and eviction issues. We first constructed (...)
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    Akhlāq bar bunyān-i iḥsās.Muḥsin Shīrāvand - 2019 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Nigāh-i Muʻāṣir (vābastah bih Muʼassasah-ʼi Pizhūhishī-i Nigāh-i Muʻāṣir). Edited by ʻAbd Allāhī, Muḥammad ʻAlī & Bāsim Al-Rassām.
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  25. Envy, sin of sins, painful birth of desire : towards a metapsychology of ressentiment.Frank Vande Veire - 2018 - In Sjoerd van Tuinen (ed.), The polemics of ressentiment: variations on Nietzsche. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Tussen blinde fascinatie en vrijheid: het mensbeeld van Slavoj Žižek.Frank Vande Veire - 2015 - Nijmegen: Vantilt.
  27. Dīn va falsafah az nigāh-i Ibn Rushd: bā murūrī bih naẓarīyahʹhā-yi fīlsūfān-i musalmān az Kindī tā Ibn Rushd bar asās-i talfīq, istiqlāl, tawfīq.Ṣādiq Āyīnahʹvand - 2006 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Nay. Edited by Averroës.
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    Rethinking the field of automatic prediction of court decisions.Masha Medvedeva, Martijn Wieling & Michel Vols - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (1):195-212.
    In this paper, we discuss previous research in automatic prediction of court decisions. We define the difference between outcome identification, outcome-based judgement categorisation and outcome forecasting, and review how various studies fall into these categories. We discuss how important it is to understand the legal data that one works with in order to determine which task can be performed. Finally, we reflect on the needs of the legal discipline regarding the analysis of court judgements.
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    Approximate number sense theory or approximate theory of magnitude?Alain Content, Michael Vande Velde & Andrea Adriano - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Ecohumanism, democratic culture and activist pedagogy: Attending to what the known demands of us.Nimrod Aloni & Wiel Veugelers - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (6):592-604.
    In two different occasions in the twentieth century John Dewey and Maxine Greene stressed the point that educators should attend to ‘what the known demands of us’. Following this dictum, from a critical perspective and with a constructive pedagogical spirit, in this paper we portray a new paradigm for values education that addresses the major challenges to the sustainable futures of young people in the third decade of the twenty first century as well as proposing transformative and empowering educational strategies. (...)
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    Malebranche : une grammaire du salut.Véronique Wiel - 2006 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4:697-712.
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    The Place of Phenomenology of Religion in Relation to Theology.Jan Van Wiele - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (3):261-284.
    In the field of theology, the comparative study of religions has exhibited growing interest in recent years. For this reason, more than ever, the moment seems right for a critical reflection on the status of comparative religious science as an autonomous discipline and on its relation to theology. At present, a consensus is growing among many – although seldom formally confirmed this tacitly remains, nevertheless, the ruling fundamental orientation – that the comparative study of religions, along with the scientific study (...)
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    (1 other version)L’usage paulinien à l’épreuve du pur amour chez Fénelon.Véronique Wiel - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 12.
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    Malebranche et le roman de l'âme.Véronique Wiel - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 95 (1):69-89.
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    Maintien et transformation de frontières? Identité culturelle et représentation de l’islam.Jan Wiele - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (1):135-174.
    This study is conceived as an interdisciplinary historical, theological, educational and anthropological research of the construction of a Catholic identity on the basis of the “self” and the non-Christian “other”, in this case Islam, in the narrative and discursive settings of Church history textbooks for primary and secondary religion education in French Canada (Québec) and in Belgium (1870-1950). In recent years, a huge amount of studies, starting from the analysis of textbooks, on cultural identities and educational mentalities have been produced (...)
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    A semi-public diasporic space: Turkish film screenings in Belgium.Sofie Van Bauwel, Roel Vande Winkel, Philippe Meers & Kevin Smets - 2011 - Communications 36 (4):395-414.
    This article presents an analysis of Turkish film screenings in Belgium as a case study of diasporic media practices in Europe. Turkish blockbusters have only recently become part of the programs of Belgian mainstream film theaters. This study provides insight into both historical and recent dynamics that characterize this new film and audience segment in film exhibition. After analyzing transnational patterns of distribution, selection and promotion, we put forward that changing circulation patterns and the associated power relations define the social (...)
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    De harde kern van de westerse metafysica: een historisch-thematische en kritische studie.Jozef van de Wiele - 1986 - Leuven: Acco.
    Samenvatting van de grote wijsgerige systemen van Plato tot en met Hegel, gevolgd door een kritische analyse van de metafysica als uitingsvorm van westers intellectualisme.
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  38. Nietzsche en het westerse denken. De bekoring van het naturalisme. Met een exposé over Schopenhauer.Jozef Van de Wiele - 1977 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (4):711-711.
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  39. A corporate social responsibility audit within a quality management framework.Ton van der Wiele, Peter Kok, Richard McKenna & Alan Brown - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (4):285 - 297.
    In this paper a corporate social responsibility audit is developed following the underlying methodology of the quality award/excellence models. Firstly the extent to which the quality awards already incorporate the development of social responsibility is examined by looking at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the European Quality Award. It will be shown that the quality awards do not yet include ethical aspects in relation to social responsibility. Both a clear definition of social responsibility and an improved audit instrument (...)
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    Cycles and circulation: a theme in the history of biology and medicine.Lucy van de Wiel, Mathias Grote, Peder Anker, Warwick Anderson, Ariane Dröscher, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Lynn K. Nyhart, Guido Giglioni, Maaike van der Lugt, Shigehisa Kuriyama, Christiane Groeben, Janet Browne, Staffan Müller-Wille & Nick Hopwood - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-39.
    We invite systematic consideration of the metaphors of cycles and circulation as a long-term theme in the history of the life and environmental sciences and medicine. Ubiquitous in ancient religious and philosophical traditions, especially in representing the seasons and the motions of celestial bodies, circles once symbolized perfection. Over the centuries cyclic images in western medicine, natural philosophy, natural history and eventually biology gained independence from cosmology and theology and came to depend less on strictly circular forms. As potent ‘canonical (...)
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    Kings of Disaster: Dualism, Centralism and the Scapegoat King in Southeastern Sudan by Simon Simonse. [REVIEW]Wiel Eggen - 2019 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 62:29-31.
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  42. Pieter W. van der Horst & Martien FG Parmentier A New Early Christian Poem on the Sacrifice of Isaac In the recently published Papyrus Bodmer 30 one of the six poems (all of them Christian and from the 4th century) deals with the story of Genesis 22. At many places the poem drastically deviates from the biblical text, and the editors of the papyrus are insufficiently aware of the. [REVIEW]Jan Van Wiele - 2000 - Bijdragen, Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 61 (3):335.
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    Apology, Restitution, and Forgiveness After Psychological Contract Breach.Nicholas DiFonzo, Anthony Alongi & Paul Wiele - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (1):53-69.
    Using forgiveness theory, we investigated the effects of organizational apology and restitution on eliciting forgiveness of a transgressing organization after transactional psychological contract breach. Forgiveness theory proposes that victims are more likely to forgive offenders when victims’ positive offender-oriented emotions replace negative ones. Three pre-post laboratory experiments, using vignettes about a broken promise of financial aid, found that while apology-alone and restitution-alone each increased likelihood of forgiving, restitution-alone was the more effective of the two responses. When combined with an apology, (...)
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    Unpicking the Emperor’s New Clothes: Perceived Attributes of the Captain in Sports Teams.Katrien Fransen, Stewart T. Cotterill, Gert Vande Broek & Filip Boen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  45. Friedrich Nietzsche. De lof van het leven en de waan van de waarheid.Jozef Van de Wiele & Sylvain de Bleeckere - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (2):320-321.
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    Modèle cohérent des réseaux de preuve.Eric Duquesne & Jacques Van de Wiele - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (2):131-158.
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    Proof nets of PN as graphs.Eric Duquesne & Jacques Van de Wiele - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (1):1-20.
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    Behavioral Observations in Northern UGANDA: Development of a Coding System to Assess Mother–Child Interactions in a Post-war Society.Julia Möllerherm, Elizabeth Wieling, Regina Saile, Marion Sue Forgatch, Frank Neuner & Claudia Catani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Zijnswaarheid en onverborgenheid.Jozef van de Wiele - 1964 - Leuven,: Leuvense universitaire uitgaven.
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    Heidegger et Nietzsche. Le problème de la métaphysique.Jozef Van de Wiele - 1968 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 66 (91):435-486.
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